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Monday, October 31, 2005

What's In This Name

OK...another year of getting ready for 12 Hour solo and 24 hour solo and/or team mountain biking. Last year was disappointing with my wreck before Tsali and then work/personal life getting in the way of Cowbell and Santos. So...another year of blogging and a new look as well as a new blog name. Trying to differentiate between the work site and the hobby/athletic pursuit site.

So...what does the name of the blog mean? Well, enduro is short for endurance mountain biking. That one was probably a gimme for several of you. The next goes along with the cool graphic I found, along with my heritage. Eejit is Irish slang for "idiot". As many folks think I'm nuts to mountain bike at all, let alone for 12 or 24 hours at a time, I thought it fitting. Plus, who doesn't love a little alliteration!

I hope those of you who enjoy keeping up with my falls and foibles will visit regularly and comment from time to time as I take this on. And for my other solo and team endurance friends and acquaintances, I'll have musical goodies from time to time!


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