Yee Haw! Gravel Roads...
Kathy Stege introduced me to some great gravel road riding up around Juliet, near the Jarrell Plantation and their nature center (not to be confused with the Dauset Nature Center). There are myriad trails and intersecting roads, and we only traversed a little over 20 miles of it. The gravel wasn't so deep as to be sketchy, but definitely gave a nice leg workout on some of the climbs, some of which are relatively long and steep. We dealt with a few hunters scoping out the terrain (lots of dust from their trucks. And they're allowed to hunt certain weekends (Fri-Sun), so for right now it's a better bet to ride these Monday & Tuesday afternoons. But once hunting season's over it'd be a great place to get some base mileage in. It'd be very easy to put together anything from 10-80 mile rides.
I'm definitely heading back there throughout the remainder of fall and into the winter.
Sounds good Katie Kat! Remember, too, that Casa Dein is always available should you want to check out some of the Maconga's gravel!
1:36 PM
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