Lazy Days
I have a love/hate relationship with taper weeks. On the one hand, you feel mighty lazy. On the other, it's kind of nice to take it easy after all that training. I feel pretty good about the race, though. I rode the course often enough that there shouldn’t be too many surprises. I haven’t done the swim at Lake Tobosofkee, but I’ve done plenty of open water already so that should be no problem.
This may surprise you, but my greatest concern is the run. As you may or may not know, I’ve had some trouble with my left foot over the last several months, so I haven’t been running nearly as much as usual. Whenever I go for anything over say, 3 miles, it starts hurting again, so I have to swim & bike for a couple of days until it eases off. Kind of threw my training program off a little, but I tried not to let it mess with my head.
Sorry about neglecting the blog, y’all. I kind of got addicted to triscoop. I suppose I’ve been a little unfaithful. Forgive me?
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