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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pack Chafe

I'm still muddling over all that went on, so anyone waiting to read about my first AR has to wait just a little longer. It was an experience. I truly enjoyed it. But, I also learned I have a lot to learn!

Blackberry bushes scratched and punctured the legs pretty good during the trekking and bushwhacking portions of the event. But the only real injuries sustained came from my pack (first time I'd warn it for an extended, damp period).

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It looks, and really is pretty minor, but it does hurt and it's going to be sleeveless shirts for a while, as any rubbing really aggravates. Luckily it is the end of July in Georgia, so sleeveless shirts are quite doable! And, yes, I have a matching pretty on the other arm!


Blogger Namrita O'Dea said...

ouch! were the straps tight enough? i've never had that happen...

so how was the race?!

11:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Job on completing the race! I would have liked for my brother and I to have gotten more checkpoints But at least we finished! I have the same chafe marks only worse. Mine were caused by my PDF rubbing as I paddled.

8:05 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

The picture doesn't do them justice, Dean. They're much nastier in person!

Nam...the pack fit well, it didn't move when running or biking. It was just incredibly humid and I immediately got doused because the prologue before the race was a swim!

Lori and Courtney had minor chafing...I think mine was worse because I was wet from the get go!

8:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think and and mr dean need to tame down the night time fun.

3:59 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think Mr. Dein would like me messing around with this "supposed" Mr. Dean!!! ;)

4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » »

8:29 PM


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