Couple More Baker's 1/2 Dozen Pics
Me, clean on the road...mud won't come until I hit the singletrack!
Melissa just before they called the race. She's muddier in the face...maybe the height difference?
I had more mud on my back than she did. Who knows! You really can't tell how dirty we were here.
Our washing machines took the full brunt of this event. My clothes weighed thrice their normal weight.
i think it is a height thing, i never get mud in the face during a nasty ride or race.
1:12 PM
In that first/top picture,is that a hydration pack you are wearing??If so,how many oz's is it?And where did you get it?
hashi from pakistan
9:53 PM
Hashi, even though you're a big ol'hoax, I'll answer your question. Yep, it's a hydration pack. Holds 60 oz. Got it at REI online.
2:43 PM
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