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Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Yeah...I've been away too long. Had to do some sorting out, some prioritizing, some thinking. Nothing too heavy...nothing for any of the regulars to worry about. But it's just in the past two days that I've felt like getting back on track. Enjoying the biking and running, the paddling and swimming. Cuz for a while it seemed routine and forced. I had to step back, much like Renee wrote in an earlier post, and remember why I'd set goals, why I'd worked hard to get to the level I was last at, why I do want to get to the next level.

So, it's the same journey... the destination is still the same. I just needed to pick a new route.

So, yes, I'm back and Renee doesn't have to hold up the blog alone anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are you?

3:38 AM

Blogger Danielle Musto said...


Glad to see that you are back :-)

10:01 AM

Blogger Danielle Musto said...


Glad to see that you are back :-)

10:01 AM

Blogger Renee said...

yes the burden was becoming great. Speaking of riding or hiding, where's Melissa and Amber??

2:39 PM


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