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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Road Riding - The Beginning

You probably can't really call it a road ride...more of a large parking lot ride. But I still had an absolute blast.

My first concerns were (1)feeling wobbly on the turns and (2) having trouble shifting. I was very pleased that I only wobbled when going slow enough to converse with Jeff who was keeping pace with me on the BMX bike. And the shifting gave me no problem. Once I realized which way was harder and which easier, I had it down.

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It was so much fun swooping around the parking lot, sprinting it out with Jeff and actually coming out the victor (remember he was on the BMX bike so he was hauling ass throughout our adventure). I practiced shifting, braking, moving my hands to the right position for standing climbing and cornering. I have a bad habit of letting my inside foot drop when I'm cornering, so I tried to pay special attention to that.

Though his e-mail to his buddies is rather contrary, I think Jeff was happy that I enjoyed it so much. Here's what his e-mail looked like: lyin', cheatin', good-fer-nuthin' wife is a stinkin'...


She rode Lauren's bike tonight and is sold. Hello yet another bike in the fleet, goodbye $$ and my BMX self respect. Just because Mal does, I want the record to reflect that I personally have not and never will wear lycra.

Respectfully yours in red meat, ultimate fighting and all other things testosterone,


I got a kick out of that!!! More chronicles as I take the borrowed bike out on a longer spin and start the wheeling and dealing to add another steed to the Dein corral.


Blogger Danielle Musto said...


As much as I hate to admit it, I ride my road bike way more then my mountain bike. It's a lot easier to train on. After a few rides, those skinny tires will feel completely normal!

5:32 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

It's all cool, Danielle. I know we've had this discussion before in earlier posts. I enjoyed my first ride and am sure I'll continue to enjoy future rides as I get more familiar. Taking the borrowed bike out Sunday for some downtown climbing and spinning. Will let you know how that goes. New bike should be arriving next week, ready to take it's place in the corral.

8:04 AM


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