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Monday, May 01, 2006

Sooooooooooo Very Tired

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Me, el Jefe, Dad & Mom Dein

So...we had a nice, but short, visit with Jeff's parents this weekend. Drove 2.5 hours Friday night, spent most of Saturday toodling around Savannah and visiting, turned back around for 2.5 hours on Sunday morning. So not a lot of rest and relaxation. My special friend decided to "visit" early Saturday morning, so that added to my general malaise and sense of the "blahs".

I'm pretty sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I'm gonna bite the bullet and go see a doc this week. If it's just the vertigo maybe they can prescribe something that will help me get back on my feet faster than my present regimen. If it's something else, at least I'll know and be able to deal with it.

I hate feeling blah, feeling tired after workouts that used to be a breeze, or missing workouts because I just can't imagine having the energy to get of the couch, let alone get in a workout. So this week I'm gonna take it easy, but I'm going to work out daily (unless the doctor says otherwise). Today a nice, light, conversation paced ride with Debbie, who I haven't managed to see in more than a month. Tomorrow a fun run...just for me. A trail run where I can enjoy spring and get back some of that "lovin' feeling" that exercise usually brings. And weights. I've missed them...and maybe they've missed me!

I'll make the call on Yargo today or tomorrow. I can't do it and take three weeks off afterward. Baker's Dozen is a much easier trail and I'm still not feeling myself (not sure if it's slow, slow, slow recovery or something else) two weeks later. I just want to get the old me back again...steady and dependable throughout a workout or event. I want to turn my eyes toward my first triathlon without worries and self-doubt.

Wish me luck at the doc! I'll let interested parties know once I get an appointment and a "verdict".


Blogger Danielle Musto said...

This is a totally girly post but I like your new haircut!

12:45 PM

Blogger Renee said...

Ok, say you're feeling blah and worn out and all, what makes you feel better? A nice bike ride?!! I think you shouldn't give up on Yargo. The trail is so nice and fun and spinny! If you can't bear to think of being competative for 12 hours, just think of it like a long training ride. At least you'll get a ride in! And ... you can be like me and try to squeeze in a swim in the lake while up there (that may be harder for you going solo than me on a team, but still just a thought). I just would hate to see you bag it, when 1: you've already paid for it; 2: you can still be with friends and be riding this weekend and 3: you know once you get up there you'll have fun!!

1:41 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Renee. I haven't 100% decided yet. I can wait 'til the last minute since I am already signed up. I'd agree with you 100% if it weren't for the extra cost factor. If I feel like absolute crapola, I don't want to add in the extra expense of gas, event food (which always adds up - how does it add up so fast!!!) and animal boarding too. If I eat tbe entry fee I consider it a donation to biking...not so on gas, etc. Like I said...I haven't decided 100%. I'm hoping I can get an appointment tomorrow or Wednesday (waiting on a call back). Then based on what is found I'll make the final call. You're dead on in your analysis, though!!! Yargo is fun. I'm straddling the fence now. Will probably make that final call sometime Thursday.

2:16 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Danielle...thanks! I'm liking the new do too. Congrats on your awesome XC showing over the weekend.

2:16 PM


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