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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Random Ruminations

The weather absolutely stinks right now. Been sidelined to gym only/indoor training the past couple days, this after having to take an extra day off over the weekend after catching a cold. Luckily it was a short one. And also, even more luckily, I'm really enjoying the gym lately. So, the rain ain't hurting me too much right now. But it could stop today and I wouldn't mind one little bit. Here's some random tidbits...

- I'm excited to report that I've got some new calluses! No, not on my pardukey, on my hands. The strength training is going great. I'm enjoying mixing the weights with different types of cardio and I'm not at all bored because I'm able to mix things up!

- I'm making some more diet changes, above and beyond the changes I made after the anemia diagnosis. So I'm still off caffeine for the most part. I've also basically given up soda (was drinking diet/caffeine free varieties) except for the occasional night out. I'm working hard to get more protein into my diet each day, as this is something I've always struggled with. I'm also timing my carbs to get them eaten earlier in the day...tapering to more good fats and protein in the later hours of the day

- The diet changes appear to be working, as I've lost around five pounds over the last three weeks and I don't feel at all deprived. In fact, I lost that weight even though I've actually upped my daily caloric intake. I'm just eating much better calories.

- A couple races have already set their dates...Bakers Dozen is April 21st and the Dirty Spokes Ft. Yargo race is May 5th. BD will be a solo, Yargo I'm doing with Linda as a duo. I've also got a biggie planned for February (no not Reddick) and will post more later.

Today's a leg and cardio circuit day at the gym.


Blogger JenC said...

I'm trying to change my diet too. It is tough in today's fast food world, but I keep thinking "must resist, must resist". Good luck!

8:51 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jen...shoot me an e-mail to enduroeejit AT and we can discuss some more. Would be cool to get another person's take besides my own!

10:00 AM

Blogger Renee said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. Thank God the cold was a quickie! Mine hung on for at least a week. Blah. I felt like a total slug for not exercising for most of the time, but what can you do!!

1:40 PM

Blogger Flea said...

HI Mallie, found you on my Map on my blog. Thanks for pinning my map.
Glad to have found this blog, I love it.
Man you guys look Pro! See capital P!
Aussie greetings, Hannelie

4:53 AM


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