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Monday, October 09, 2006


Those of you who live and ride in the North and Midwest can go ahead and smile condescendingly or shake your heads right about now. But yesterday during my first real road ride, I was chilly. I was cold. I wore my arm warmers for the entire ride. And I had the best ride I can remember in a long time!

The bike I've borrowed (from Lauren) doesn't have a working computer, so I don't know exact mileage or speed...but sometimes you just need a ride that's simply about the ride.

I overcame my fear of the skinny tires blowing up at the slightest obstacle when I hit railroad tracks and rough cracks in the pavement early on. I was pleased to have my new Tifosi sunglasses (orange lenses as it was overcast and shady) that kept the frequent headwinds and occasional bugs out of my eyes. I was so into the ride I failed to drink regularly (something I don't normally forget).

It was a thrill to cycle the flats in the big ring, feeling the muscles in my legs flowing smoothly under the skin. It was an even bigger thrill to tackle some of the climbs (Plum, Walnut) and maintain a good spin, or test my standing climbing ability.

After a little over two hours I came home with pink cheeks, an appetite and sore hands, without the sore pardukey and shoulders I was expecting. I came home with a huge grin on my face and happy descriptions for my husband. I came home thrilled with biking, being outdoors and having a relatively fit body and spirit.

Today I go to the shop and will have them put my pedals, a computer and make some adjustments to my new steed. I hope to have it tomorrow or Wednesday. Pics to follow.


Blogger Danielle Musto said...

I feel your pain. I've had to bust out the leg warmers and I'm mad about it already. For some reason wearing layers makes me feel slower :-)

12:49 PM

Blogger Trisaratops said...

Woo hoo! I heart chilly weather! This is my fave time of year to ride. Although, my definition of chilly and yours might be a little different...;)

12:55 PM

Blogger JenC said...

Think of me while I'm riding on Saturday (forecast is a high of 52 - it should be in the 30s when Jodi and I start). Unlike Sara, I don't heart chilly weather for riding. Now running is a different story!

By the way, what is a pardukey? Or, should I just get it from context?

8:31 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure you can get it from context...but just in case, it's my ass! Just a word some dorky kids used in middle school years and years ago and it stuck. All my friends have adopted it.

I do like cold weather...but I'm probably biased since I enjoy Georgia cold weather. Have a great ride. I think our high's in the 70's for my double ride this weekend!

8:36 AM


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