Kenny Rogers made me do it
I HATE being sick. What I hate more than actually being sick is missing a race because I'm sick. I can count on one hand the number of times that's happened in the last five years. Well, this weekend I added another finger to the count, as I had to sit out what would have been my last tri of the season.
I'm SERIOUSLY bummed. I was all excited about doing it, as it was short and I had really planned to test myself. Unfortunately, the germs that make up my universe decided to test me as well this weekend. I've been feeling like I was coming down with something for a little more than a week now (wonder if that tri in the rain up in Hiwassee had anything to do with it!) but have been ignoring the signs: namely sneezing. I only sneeze when I'm getting a cold.
Friday night the sneezing led to a stuffy nose and headache. I woke up Saturday morning feeling real low, and then (probably unwisely) went to Savannah with Jake to spend the day with his family. As the day progressed, so did my sinus issues and feelings of woe about Sunday's event.
On the way home Sat night I decided not to do the tri. It would have involved getting up at about 4 a.m. and traveling to Atlanta, and then participating in the event in scheduled 55 degree weather. Not good makings for one already afflicted with the sniffles. Looking back now (with a cold still in full swing) there's no way I could have done that event. I would have been a danger to myself and others -- and not because of the aerobars!
So now I just feel grumpy and blue that I missed what could have been such a fun time. But I guess sometimes you just have to -- in the words of The Gambler himself -- know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away when the deal is done.
Hopefully my cards will look better next time around.
Damn dood, sorry to hear this. Sounds like you're really psyched on the tris. Next year.
10:20 PM
Sorry you had to miss it! :(
On a positive note, here's something to cheer you up...
You reminded me that this site exists...and is damn funny...
12:57 PM
And you can even get the T-shirt! lol.
4:17 PM
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