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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Active Recovery

After talking to a couple of the gals this morning about overtraining, I thought maybe I'd post something that some of the supposed "hardcore" folks wouldn't understand. Today's workout would seem, and is, pretty darned easy: a 45 minute walk, medium pace and a 60 minute chat pace spin with Jeff on the trainers tonight. Why such an easy workout when my season starts in just over two months? You have to recover as hard as you train. I worked out hard and intense on Saturday & Sunday. Maybe too intense on Saturday (abs are finally feeling less like slabs of granite). I was forced to take complete off days on Monday & Tuesday (my legs were feeling the cold weather run/bike combo I put myself through on Sunday). So instead of diving right back in and repeating that cycle, today is an active recovery day...movement, without overly stressing my body, so that I can put in that harder workout tomorrow. Sure, a 45 minute walk and a 60 minute trainer routine are plenty of exercise for the average person. But for those of you training for endurance events, like me and the other awesome women who post on this blog, that's pretty much a breeze. And all of us need to do some of these breezy workouts from time to time to (a) give our bodies the chance to heal and regenerate, and (b) to remember why we do the hard workouts in the first place. Because we love the activities so freakin' much. L8R.


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