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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Off Road Triathlons Added To The Mix

Last year I tackled endurance mountain biking with some personal success (no podium finishes, but I was pretty happy). This year I'm going to add in some adventure racing and off road triathlons, especially since Arrowhead is so kind as to hold one right here in our back yard.

So what am I doing different? Running and swimming. On top of the regular bike and weights time. And I have to say I'm enjoying it. It reminds me of the huge strides I used to make when I first started biking. You get such a rush when you make even the smallest of accomplishments. It also reminds you why cross training is so important. Though I can ride my bike at a moderate pace for hours and hours, even with lengthy climbs and hot temperatures, swimming a mile is kicking my butt every which way but forward. Endurance on the bike doesn't necessarily translate into endurance in the pool. And there will be further butt kicking sessions when I move from the pool to open water. Sigh.

Pics of my multi-sport adventures will be coming soon.


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