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Friday, March 03, 2006

Working full time and trying to fit in any sort of training generally requires compromise and ability to change things up. Last night was supposed to involve some serious parking garage climbing with Hillarie. Alas, a flat tire + lack of pump with Presta valve compatiibility + Jeff currently riding my FS + inability to get Jeff's rear wheel off the NRS = no riding.

My new trail running kicks arrived yesterday via the lovely brown truck, so I laced them on to break them in, on the road, not the trail. I don't like road running. It hurts far more than trail running. Something about the slapping of my feet on the pavement jolts my body much harder than the lateral movements and lighter step of trail running. But I thought I could gently break in the shoes with a run walk combo, to see if any blister issues arose...something I'm always concerned about with new athletic shoes.

I guess I did about three miles. Shoes felt good. Legs felt pretty good during the run, but not so hot afterward. It was an Icy Hot kind of night. But they're not too bad this morning. My combo of Icy Hot and anti-oxidant rich pomegranate juice seems to be paying off.

So two days of running in a row...and I can still move...despite one day being on the road. So the garage climbing will happen next Tuesday. Ya hear that, Hillarie?


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