unanticipated cross-training session
It was obviously raining yesterday but I was determined to get out on my bike. What's a little water anyway? And the temperature was a balmy 49. I grabbed all my gear and headed for the Comet. I usually ride westward (not as many stops) so off I went. After about 16 miles out I decided to head back. I was actually having a nice ride (keyword "was") but I was cold and wet so I started heading back to my car.
Approximately 6 miles from my car my ride stopped abruptly. Here is a re-cap in slow motion- this scenario took about 5 to 6 seconds I think?
1- look down to my left and my pedal and crank arm are attached to my shoe BUT NO LONGER attached to my bike
2-look down to my right and try to unclip my right foot and entire crank begins to come out of my bike
3-I lose my balance and down I go (mind you my bike parts are still attached to my feet NOT MY BIKE!)
4-crash down on the sidewalk
5-so now I am looking at my feet with bike parts attached and I am thinking I may have a small problem!
So, I detach my bike parts from my cleats and just sit there on the ground staring at my bike. I stuck the parts back in the bike then started looking my bike over. Everything else looked OK. A few scratches and ripped grip tape was all I could find (besides the crank of course).
I did make a couple of attempts to put it back together but no luck- As soon as I began to ride the thing came apart again.
It was inevitable- I was going to have to walk.......So I used a few choice words and began my walk (approx. 5.5 miles) back to my car.
Ever walk in road shoes?? Yeah! Not fun!! I walked on the grass to avoid ruining them. The walk in the shoes lasted about 3 miles then I could no longer take it. I took them off and walked in my socks for the last 2.5 miles. The funny part was that I had seal-skin socks on and they hold water like a water balloon. My feet and ankles looked huge and the extra water in the socks added a bit of "weight " to my walk. I had to periodically stop and “empty” them. ☺
By the time I got to my car I was tired, wet, cold and was not sure if I still had feet because I sure could not feel them. I threw my bike in the car and drove straight to my LBS. I walked in with my left pedal in hand. They looked at me kind of weird (dirty, wet lady standing in the doorway with a bike pedal in hand). They went out got my bike (and the detached parts) I changed my clothes and sat next to a portable heater in the back of the shop and watched them fix my bike.
I think they felt sorry for me…..no charge for new grip tape and they tried extra hard to buff out the scratches on my bike, and they cleaned it up. (love my LBS by-the-way). It now good as new just has a small battle wound.
I did get a good workout and now I can say I have wrecked on a road bike.
Woo hoo! Your first calamitous experience. Way to go!!!
Bleckley will be a picnic in comparison. Now, if only the rain will back off.
7:18 AM
I had to walk 3 miles in road shoes one time when i popped a tire and didn't bring a spare tube (cause i was "just going on a quick spin" downtown). Taking them off was a wise idea, despite the water-laden sock-boots.
Did the LBS ever say what actually happened to cause the bike to break??
9:23 AM
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