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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Why Do I Train?

Renee's post got me thinking...and the answer to my post title question is simple. I enjoy it.

I think that the only way you can train hard, over time and repeatedly, is if you actually enjoy what you're doing. And while I might not actually enjoy each and every instance of the activity, ab work for example, I enjoy the benefits, the increased strength and the continuing reduction in my pants size!

I know a lot of people who train really hard and are amongst my favorite people to hang out with on the bike, in the pool, running down the trail and out and here's a linky blog while I give them the love their personalities and dedication to training deserve...

My Sorella Sisters: These gals are a huge inspiration and are so much fun to hang around with. Though I don't see them nearly as much as I'd like (one the rain stops ladies, I promise). They have a blast at each and every event they go to (check out the pics on the site), but they are also competitors.

Don Bill is an inspiration to me on a daily basis. He is training hard and keeping off the weight he lost. And he's just an all around great guy. Just ask Milo if he's happy he's part of the Bill family. Love you, Pops!

Eddie O'Dea
is not only a local athlete who's been showcased in Atlanta Sports & Fitness, he's a really great person who never makes you feel like a schmuck when he passes you during an endurance event. He's a voice for the sport and puts himslef out there so we get great events worht the money we spend to enter. And his partner in crime and soon to be wife, Namrita, is just about the coolest enduro chick around, currently fitting her training around working part time and going back to school. Go girl!

And finally, two guys who I've never met in person, and maybe never will. Their blogs make me laugh, the pics and anecdotes are great, but are also very informative and I wouldn't hesitate to ask either of them a training question, because they're dedicated to getting people active in the sports they love. Adn love of their sports is obvious in each and every post. Jeff Kerkove, Mr. 24, advocate for endurance racers and all around funny guy, kudos! And to Jeff "Ed" Slade, father, entrepreneur and very nice guy who gives this girl in Georgia the time of day whenever she comments, big thanks!

And finally to my sisters in crime on this blog! Melissa...who has no qualms about taking a mid-January tanning break during a ride when the sun's too nice to resist. Amber, who manages to laugh even when she's launching a ten pound medicine ball at my chin while I'm strapped onto a decline bench and oesn't mind me laughing when she sinks like a stone trying to sidestroke. And of course the awesome Renee, longtime MTB advocate and a great friend, who very wisely reminded us that it's all about having fun. If it isn't fun, why do it!

I close by saying that I don't go to these events worrying about making the podium. If I did that would be awesome. But the biggest reason I do it is because I enjoy seeing how far I can push myself, how much I can accomplish and how much I can grow and develop physically, emotionally and, perhaps, even spiritually while I bike, run & swim.


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