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Monday, May 08, 2006

Diagnosis = Anemia

Both the doc and I were surprised by the diagnosis. I'm apparently very anemic. That was the last thing the doc was expecting, as I showed no outward signs (lack of coloration/pigmentation, physical signs of fatigue like under eye bruising, etc) and my diet's pretty good most of the time...but after reading up on it myself this morning, HOT DAMN, it explains all my symptoms (fatigue, depression, dizziness, inability to keep body temperature up, shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, occasional rapid heartbeat, failure to recover from hard exercise,etc.)!!! I'm not registering in the "acceptable" area for either hemoglobin or blood oxygen. So iron doses twice a day and red meat are the immediate prescription. Then another blood test round in a month to see if that takes care of it or to see if there's an underlying cause for the anemia.

I'd still be anemic even if I weren't engaging in endurance athletics, but my readings are incredibly low based on the kinds of exercise I'm subjecting myself to in order to prep for my endurance MTB events, and the upcoming triathlons and adventure race. Scary. When I almost passed out at Ft. Yargo during my pre-ride, it wasn't an equilibrium thing, it was that my blood wasn't rich enough in oxygen for that level of exertion.

For me to have contunied to try to train through this could have been disastrous to my long-term health. I could have done irreparable repair to my heart and other organs. Scary!

So, I just took the first iron pill and I'm ready for my poo to turn colors (one of the side effects of large doses of iron). I'm hopeful that the mega-dosing will quickly produce some results.

Before I sign off I want to send huge hugs and thanks to all those who didn't think I was being a wuss while dealing with feeling so sick. The husband, el Jefe, has been awesome and supportive. My Maconga gals (Renee, Debbie, Beth, Amber and Karen) have all been understanding and there for me when I felt really low. To Danielle and some of my new blogger friends...thanks for all the online support. And my Sorella Cycling teammates. Thanks for all the on-line and real time shoulders to cry on. And to all those who made fun of me behind my back or made snide, not so behind my back comments, a big F-U!!!

I'm ready to get back to being me. I'm ready to be able to ride the trails again without feeling ill. I'm ready now, because I'm hopeful that in a few days I can stop feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!


Blogger Danielle Musto said...

Yeah!!! It must be such a relief to know what's wrong and to be able to start "fixing" it. Here's to a very speedy recovery!

8:54 PM

Blogger Namrita O'Dea said...

glad to hear it! wishing you quick healing.

12:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you finally are on your way to being hale and hearty again!

9:19 PM

Blogger Alicia said...

from the chick who lost 3 (yup count 'em) 3 pints of blood on the table, please take it easy with those iron pills - they will mess with the poo situation more than just turning it colors - eat SPINICH at breakfast and then some high quality liver (did I just say that?!?!?) but seriously - hang tight it will take at least a month or more to come back to normal -

The Northern Girl

10:43 AM

Blogger E-Speed said...

Wow scary! Glad you figured it out! And hopefully this is something you can recover from fairly easily?

Glad you know what's wrong and how to get better!

11:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

10:06 AM


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