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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Before I have to hear ...

"Hey Renee, where were you last weekend?"
"Hey Renee, why aren't you racing this weekend?"

Let me just say that aside from the ankle/foot issues I've been dealing with during the last two months I've had a few other realizations about why I ride. I've taken a look at how I ride, when I ride, why I ride. And I've realized that the super-competitive spark I once had for cross-country racing has waned. I guess after four years of racing the same trails (more or less) the thrill was bound to wear off. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy doing some of the races -- I showed up for Helen and Carter's Lake -- but I've found myself wanting a greater challenge, something to keep my goals fresh.

So my great realizations basically equated to this: when I ride, I don't ride to train. I really can't push myself to "race pace" when I'm not actually racing. Race pace is usually not fun. And I ride for fun. I also ride for the health benefits. Forcing myself to "train" for a cross-country race will sometimes make me get out and ride even though my body is telling me to take the day off. I've unfortunately had some bad races because I didn't listen to my body and back off with the training. While going over a new obstacle is always a challenge, I'm comfortable with my skill set on the bike, and am just looking to stay strong, not make any more great strides in speed. And with the cross country races getting faster and faster (or maybe the competitors are just riding harder and harder) you have to constantly get faster to stay with the pack.

So ... for the handsful of folks who've asked me where I've been lately (ie, not at the last few cross country races): I've just been riding. Having fun out there on the trail. Staying strong. Staying positive.

You know, when I set my goals for the year in January, I didn't anticipate losing the desire to do the cross country races, and so my calendar was full of them, as has been the case for several years. So, I'm making this post just to let folks know that I'm not chickening out, I'm not out of shape or unprepared, I just have a different plan in mind.

Also at the beginning of the year I made it a goal to do at least two or three triathlons. Enough to get a taste of the sport and to give it a fair chance. I never realized I would enjoy them as much as I do. And that's right, I REALLY have enjoyed the one's I've done this year. Afterward, I wasn't left with that "it's just another race finished" feeling. I was excited. I was exhilarated. I loved it! So in altering my exercise schedule to reflect my intentions to keep on doing the tris, something had to give. Cross country gave. Then enter the single speed. I really have developed a love for riding it. It's a new challenge on the bike!

I still plan to stay around the cross country scene ... but more like this year, where I race a handful of races -- basically the races on the trails I really love. And as for the local races, I get too stressed out trying to help organize the events to actually race them. Plus, I've lost count of the number of times I've raced at the Pig. lol.

Good luck to the locals who are racing this weekend at the Pig. In the words of GoFastPops, anyone who is willing to strap on a number and get on the starting line has my respect.

Happy riding!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Photo land

Was digging through some recent photos on the camera and decided to download a few and put them here on the blog.

This is a photo from the mini-vaca Jake and I had in Charleston.

Here's one I me from the 7.5 Hours of Dauset. I've just been lazy with getting it posted!

Beth and I had a nice road ride on Sunday. It was her first time on a road bike (she borrowed Karen's) and we did about 42 miles. The weather was cooler and breezy ... perfect!

The team got together last night for some photos ... here are the ladies (minus Graham) of Max Cycling! Karen, Erica, me and Beth:

Since the last post I've managed to followthrough and actually join a gym. Now that I'm paying to swim, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get into the pool twice a week. The first two swims have been disappointing, but then again, after not having swam for two months, what can I expect, right? Hopefully I'll be back on track in no time. Today will be my first run since I twisted my ankle ... again ... early last week. I am following the doctors orders and running on a flat, even surface ... concrete!! I really enjoy trail running and it's a shame that I can't hit the trail for a while, but I really don't want to take the chance of twisting the ankle another time. So, it's pavement for me. Yipee!

Hope all you folks out in Cyberville are having a lovely and productive week.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sweet Susie Singlespeed and other news

So I have officially joined the singlespeed revolution. Yes, that's right. I've gone shiftless.

It's taken a while to get the old girl built up into something ridable. Several years ago when I got a new(er) hardtail, I couldn't bear to part with my first real bike -- a '99 Schwinn Moab, dark blue with silver racing stripes! She was beautiful then, and she's even more beautiful now without all those gears cluttering up her lines. Granted, she's seen better days. She lived in my storage closet for a while, was robbed of parts when I needed them, and when Jake pulled her out of storage, all that was left was her frame, fork, stem, wheels, seatpost and crankarms. And as it turns out, for a SS, that's about all you need! I robbed another bike of a saddle, pedals, dug up some old grips I'd won at a race, Jake gave me an old handlebar set and brake levers. We added new front and back gears and a chain and voila! She lives!

Now I never thought riding the SS would be easy. I was prepared to have my butt handed to me and appreciate our local Pig trail in a whole new way. My first ride on her was just through the pines section, flat, flat, flat. It felt good. My second ride I decided to try the whole trail. I managed to finish, but had to get off the bike FOUR FREAKIN TIMES!! By the third ride I'd learned how to accelerate BEFORE the hills, carry my speed and maintain my cadence, and only walked twice!!

I thought I was just creeping along the trail, and although I had made progress in the climbing and handling of the bike (which, with an OLD Judy Rock Shock is a FAR CRY from the way my new Lefty responds to roots and such) was still bummed about my speed. My third time on the bike it took 50 minutes to ride the trail. Saturday it took 45. Apparently I'm making progress! Now if I can just continue to shave 5 minutes off my lap times, I'll eventually be able to keep up with my boyfriend.

Speaking of the boyfriend, he officially now answers to Gonzales, as in Speedy Gonzales. He's been out there turning laps on his SS with a 16-tooth ring. He rode everything but Chandler's and decided to change to an 18 ring to be a little more ridable. lol. I'm cruising along in my 20, and he's whooping my arse! I think he plans to race the SS in the cross country race Aug. 27. While I'm bragging on him, he just earned two B's in his classes over the summer!

In other news, I decided to bag the tri on Aug. 19th. Ever since I heard about the gator found in lake Tobo, my swimming has stopped completely. I refuse to swim in that lake. Refusing to lake swim has left me with no where to swim. I've been resisting paying to join a gym to use the pool, but at this point, that looks like it will have to give. So ... I'll be re-joining the health club soon to get back into swim shape. Couple that with an ongoing struggle with my feet -- blog readers will recall my issues with plantar fasciitis and assorted foot pains that began in late May. I still am only running once a week, and that just won't cut it for being competitive in a triathlon.

I just don't feel ready for this event, and refuse to show up and pay $60 and give it a half-ass effort. In exchange, I've added to my schedule a triathlon in Hiawasee in late September. It's longer than any one I've done before, so it will be a real challenge. Something to work for, something to look forward to ... kinda like riding the SS for the Four Hours of Pork ( Go sign up. It's for charity.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

AR Photos

These are just screen captures of proofs from the photog's site. Not sure I want to purchase. It really stinks when there's no one taking freebies at an event. After the dough spent on an AR, who has the extra cash to shell out on mediocre photos!?!?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
UTM plotting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Out on the water...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Changing the tire...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Lori at the finish

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Courtney at the finish

You'll notice there are no photos of me at the finish...more than likely because I was sitting on a bench that felt suspiciously like a boat in open water with my head between my knees!